How to Budget

Many people and households use budgeting as a way to manage their money. It can be a fairly simple process and can help you to save money and spend within certain limits. It can be easy to start a budget.

We've developed a very basic budgeting workbook which you can download and complete on your computer, or print it and complete it by hand. You could also just get a blank sheet of paper and copy the headings, or create a spreadsheet on your computer using the same headings - whichever would be best for you!

Our Budget Workbook is only 4 pages and is all you need to get started.

When completing your budget, be realistic and honest - check actual bills and receipts to avoid underestimating what you currently spend. We've also included a little idea to help to identify cheaper alternatives which could save a lot of money over a year.

If you need any help to complete your budget, or have any suggestions for how we could improve the workbook, please do get in touch by e-mail at any time or call us on 01592 714 888 during normal business hours.